Graphic image of letter A

Stanta (St Albans Enterprise Agency)

STANTA (St Albans Enterprise Agency)

Those receiving support on the Herts Start-Up Programme may be eligible for a business grant: Start Up Grant of £1,000 for Businesses under 6 months old and £3,000 grant for businesses up to 3 yrs The grant can be used for expenses costs such as: marketingpromotional material (leaflets, business cards etc) website development professionallegal advice intellectual property advice software applications (such as Office 365 or accounts packages) The grant can’t be used for capital items such as equipment or vehicles. The grant works on the basis of matched funding, ie the proprietorbusiness spends a minimum of £2,000 ex VAT (start up grant), or £6,000 ex VAT (businesses up to 3 yrs old). The grant monies will be released (£1,000 for start-ups and £3,000 for new businesses) once 12 hours of advice and training have been completed and a receipt and proof of cost have been provided. Please contact us if you would like to be considered for a grant. Your application will take about 15 working days to consider and must include quotes from 3 suppliers. Expenditure can commence once the grant application has been accepted.

Areas Covered: Hertfordshire

Telephone number: 01727 837760


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